
After Twilight Princess-21 *POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!*

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Zelee5465's avatar

Literature Text


    After Twilight Princess

    Chapter 21


    Zelda froze a second. How was she supposed to respond? "I love you, too"? Did she love him? She was certainly attracted to him, but love?

    Yes I do, of course I do… Right? I think so… Oh Zelda, just say you do already! Don't leave him hanging!

    They stayed like that for a while until a twig snapped in the distance. Link's head shot up and Zelda's eyes shot open.

    "Link… Zelda whispered under her breath. "What… was that?"

    "I don't know…" He responded. "But I'm gonna find out."

    Zelda lifted her head and was about to protest when Link spoke first.

    "I'll be fine, Zel."

    Zelda sighed and felt him slip from her, leaving her to feel cold and alone.

    Link stepped out from the little area next to his house that they were in. To his surprise, he saw a brown, large, scary looking sword laying next to the gate to Ordon, which was now closed.

    That gate was never closed.

    Link new someone was out there. Weapon less, he took a few more steps forward.

    Zelda, while sitting there in the darkness, praying for it to have been just a rabbit, realized that Link had nothing to defend or fight with. She instantly jumped up and quietly made her way out of the area.

    She ran to the ladder trying not to make Link turn her way. She turned around and saw the sword and the gate and her eyes widened. Quickly, she climbed up the ladder and quietly opened the door.

    She left it open just in case she needed to get out quick. She spotted his Ordon sword in the corner and rushed and grabbed it.

    She quickly made her way out the door, but something was blocking her.

    The sword.

    "H-How…?!" She whispered in horror.

    She saw Link looking up at her in horror behind the sword. "Zelda." He said softly. "What are you doing up there?"

    "I…I…" She couldn't speak. 'How did the sword get up here…? I don't think Link moved it, I would have heard him…'

    "Zelda. Go inside." Link said slowly, not moving anything but his mouth.

    Zelda nodded and slowly backed into the house. She sighed as she saw the sword was still there, stuck in-between the wood boards of Link's "porch."

    She closed the door slowly and turned around her back to the door. She closed her eyes as she did so and she heard Link climb the ladder outside.

    She slowly opened her eyes and instantly wished she hadn't. The sword was stuck in-between the floor boards of the first floor.

    Right in front of her.

    Zelda's eyes widened and she pressed herself harder against the door. "Link…"

    "Zel? What?" Link called through the door.

    "It's in here…" She struggled to keep her voice low and not scream.

    "Zel," Link whispered through the door. "Let me in."

    Zelda nodded and moved from the door and closed her eyes as it opened.

    Zelda realized once the door started to open that she still had Link's Ordon sword…

    "Hey Link, here-" Zelda turned and froze. The person, or thing, that came through the door was not Link.

    Her eyes widened. "W-who are you…?!"

    The figure had a scary smirk on his face, and his hair and skin were pale, unhylian-like. He took a step closer to her, into the candle light of the house.

    Zelda could finally fully see him. He was tall and looked like he was wearing painted on clothes and make-up. He was a whole head taller than her and he suddenly stuck out his tongue and it moved near her face.

"Ah!" Zelda squealed as she jumped back to avoid the tongue. "Who are y-you?"

He just kept smiling and he walked in towards the ladder.

Zelda kept her eyes on him, keeping in mind that she still had some source of protection.

She slowly walked toward the door while looking at the creature.

He turned his back to her for a few seconds and laughed.

Zelda took this as an opportunity to run, and quickly turned around and flung the door open. She ran out and slammed it closed, jumping down from the porch.

"Link?!" she called out. "Link?!"


Zelda turned and saw Link standing there. No… not Link. He was completely black.

"Y-You're not Link," Zelda whispered, loud enough for "Link" to hear her.

"I like to think that though," he smiled, stepping closer to her.

Zelda's eyes narrowed and she quickly turned to run to the Ordon Spring.

She darted full speed to the Ordon Spring. If Link wasn't there, surely Epona was.

She sharply turned the corner into the Spring.

She didn't see anything but Darkness.

    She started to back up, but she gates behind her closed.

    Zelda stared in horror at the place that surrounded her.

    It wasn't Ordon Spring.

    It look like…

    'The Twilight Realm?' Zelda shook her head. 'No… But then again, you've never really seen the Twilight Realm… So it could be.'

    Zelda took a couple steps forward, gripping the Ordon sword tightly in the hands.

    She was about to move on forward, when some colorful magic shaped like diamonds flew toward her and knocked the sword from her hands.

    Zelda turned to run and get it quickly, but two arms wrapped around her waist and kept her in that place.

    "Welcome, My goddess."

Okay, it's DONE.

Not much Zelink, but It's still awesome, right? and don't worry 'bout Link, he's safe. Maybe... :plotting:

On to the next one! :)

I hope you like it.

and the plot is thickening.

Where is Link? Who is the strange man/sword?(DUH.) Who is the "Dark" Link? (:XD: answer is in the question.)

Zelda (c) :iconnintendoplz:
Story and Ideas (c) :iconzelink4eva123:
© 2012 - 2024 Zelee5465
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thelionqueen45's avatar
-legaspplz- Dark Link!

Why must you torture poor Zelda like this?!